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taz said:Some bloody good pulling there mate. It's also quite impressive that you manage to get these pb's whilst cutting and still do loads of back work afterwards. A deadlift set like that would have damned near killed a normal person Happy Good work mate!

Thanks bud Happy Deads are my thing as you know and as I lose weight I know my pulls usually go up...that did make me feel ropey though...the blood on the floor after showed that lol!
nails said:You're just a machine mate. My eyes have "PB" fatigue from reading you recent posts.

Feel massively on form mate I must admit. Cheers bud, really appreciate the support, hope you are doing ok.
Nice session today.

Cable Crossovers

25kg x 15
50kg x 15 rep pb
55kg x 12 rep pb
57.5kg x 8 rep pb + volume pb

Went with some pre exhaustion today, these pump a silly amount and feeling very very strong.

Decline Bench

60kg x 10
100kg x 15
120kg x 8 rep pb
140kg x 4 rep pb
120kg x 7
100kg x 15

I am so weak at decline, yes pre exhausted but 140kg x 4 lol!? Best flat I think was 12 with 140 lol. Happy though as it hits pecs so so well and if its weak it can only strengthen my normal bench when I go back to it. Will bang in the work in the 120-130kg range from now I think.

Floor Cable Flyes

25kg x 12
25kg x 10
25kg x 10

Something a little different and I like them, good constant tension on the upper pec, going from low to high.

Low to High X Overs

20kg x 15 rep pb
20kg x 12
20kg x 12 volume pb

Again hitting that top portion of the chest and strength soaring up, great burn.

Incline Hammer Press

80kg x 18
100kg x 10
120kg x 6
100kg x 3
80kg x 4

I lowered the seat height for first time ever and its a game upper chest felt worked much much harder, great stretch and a good contraction, strong even when heavily fatigued too.

Drag Curls

60kg x 12 rep pb
60kg x 12

Weight flying up and good slow squeezed reps, the pump drag curls give is so good. Weight and reps up with ease.

Zotterman Curls

11kg x 12
11kg x 12

Saw Rich Piana on a video doing these so wanted to try, will up weight and progress these a little I think, enjoyable movement.

Crucifix Curls

35kg x 18 rep pb
40kg x 10 rep pb

A standard favourite now and again strength going utterly crazy, big stretch and a paused contraction every rep, biceps blow up with these.

DV Cable Extensions

25kg x 15 rep pb
27.5kg x 8 rep pb

Again, stronger and stronger every time, slow controlled reps and pure focus on triceps, burned well.

Seated Machine Dips

Stack + 40kg x 20
45 sec rest
Stack + 40kg x 14
45 sec rest
Stack + 40kg x 10

Finished proceedings off with a total upper body destroyer, very little left after these and the pump was almost too much to bare. Addictive is the word.


10 mins incline treadmill
10 mins cross trainer
10 mins Watt Bike

Sparked things up, still did my 30mins but got some variety in and the time went quicker.


Off tomorrow then back in for leg destruction Thursday.

Conditioning session after work tonight, pretty tired after a big session earlier in the day with cardio at the end but wanted to get some more work in. 8 Hill sprints taking maybe 30 seconds each one with a set of 20 push ups at the top before a walk back down and going again... All done with chains weighing around 36kg around my neck. Feeling it now.
Loads of graft mate. Loving the effort on the last rep of the decline press.
nails said:Loads of graft mate. Loving the effort on the last rep of the decline press.

Thanks mate...going to hammer them for a while, so much tougher than a flat bench for me.
After a very low calorie day yesterday I got a good breakfast in today then a big black coffee in pre training and it was time to hit legs.

Safety Squat Bar Squats

65kg x 10
105kg x 5
145kg x 5
185kg x 5 rep pb
205kg x 1
145kg x 10
145kg x 10

Very out of practice with squatting..add in to that a brutal bar and I felt these. Moved ok though and legs were battered from them.

Safety Squat Bar Pin GM's

105kg x 12
105kg x 12
115kg x 10

Forgot how tough these are, they look to move fast but the slow negative and pause then explosion up quickly fatigues, felt good.

Close Stance Hack Squats

140kg x 12 rep pb
140kg x 12
150kg x 8 rep pb

Strength still creeping up nicely on these and now with my lower, closer stance the stress is placed nicely on the quads.

Walking Lunges

10kg a side x 20
10kg a side x 20

I am going to try to force myself to do these as they are a weakness and my quads are in bits from just this piddly amount, I will endeavour to learn to embrace them as best I can.

Seated Leg Curls

80kg x 25 rep pb
80kg x 16

Repping strength edging up, hams got a huge pump on from these.

Toes In Leg Extensions

70kg x 12
70kg x 12
70kg x 12

Got a very nice peak contraction each rep on these, tried not to focus on weight but the movement and the muscle contraction where I wanted it, seemed to work well.

Seated Calf Raise

60kg x 11 rep pb
60kg x 9
60kg x 8

Kept my form very strict with a big paused stretch and a pause on top contraction, burned very nicely.

Standing V Bar Squat Calf Raise

80kg x 10 rep pb
80kg x 10
80kg x 10 volume pb

Reps up on each set on last time and still kept my reps very strict. Calves though still tiny Unhappy pumped nicely.

Kneeling Rope Crunch

50kg x 5
50kg x 5
50kg x 5

Kept to 30 second rests and banged out 3 quick sets, got a good squeeze going on every rep and kept it tight.


30 mins incline treadmill...upped speed again, fitness is flying up.

Job done, legs shaking madly in car on way home, enjoyed that. favourite session of the week tomorrow...delts and arms.

Video...enjoy the country music background Happy

Oxman I went to the future and found you

Lol I think it's the beard for some reason he reminds me of you I could imagine you doing this at 60.
John said:Oxman I went to the future and found you

Lol I think it's the beard for some reason he reminds me of you I could imagine you doing this at 60.

I can't see it mate Unhappy i'm intrigued lol!
Weekly weigh in and measure...weight is up just over 1lb on last week, my waist has come in 1/2", this was week 8 of my cut.

This cut is not going at all like I thought it would...muscle appears to still be creeping on despite being in a fairly hefty calorie deficit, training days I am sitting on 2800kcal and 2 off days a week I am on 2100kcals, protein still high.

No changes this week in terms of diet but may switch up my training program from Monday but not decided as things are clearly working as they are. Cardio will remain the same.
Cable Side Lateral Raise

5kg x 20
17.5kg x 13 rep pb
17.5kg x 10
15kg x 15
7.5kg x 21

Cable Bent Over Lateral Raise

7.5kg x 12
7.5kg x 12
10kg x 12
10kg x 12

Cable Front Rope Raise

30kg x 12
32.5kg x 12
35kg x 12
37.5kg x 12 rep pb

Hit delts from every angle with minimal rests to totally pre exhaust them, very painful pump at the end, one of those times it hurts so good but you don't know what to do with your arms to stop the pain lol.

Smith Machine Bradford Press

40kg x 20
60kg x 10 rep pb
60kg x 8
switch to just normal seated smith press
80kg x 8
60kg x 7
40kg x 10 + 11 partials to complete muscle failure.

Despite pre exhausting strength well up on last week and all felt lighter, delts on utter fire at the end after that triple drop and partials finish.

Smith Machine Tricep Extensions

60kg x 15 rep pb
60kg x 13
60kg x 10 volume pb

Much easier than last week, reps up with ease and a huge pump, can get a good slow negative and a deep stretch on these, really like elbow aggro either.

Smith Machine Drag Curls

65kg x 12 rep pb
65kg x 12
65kg x 12 volume pb

5kg up and reps the same as last time, felt so light I thought I misloaded. Great pump.

Tricep Pressdown

Straight bar 50kg x 15 rep pb
Rope 40kg x 22 rep pb
Rope 40kg x 18

Prefer the rope I think but wanted to try it, now I can do these without pain its nice to push them, triceps working very hard.

Machine Preacher Curls

50kg x 12
30kg x 15
30kg x 12 + 5 + 4

Biceps wasted from drag curls but banged out some reps here, quality pump.


30 mins Incline Treadmill

And that was that, decent session and banged out pretty quickly, delts and arms in bits now. Weekend off...doing my PT training this weekend, might do some extra cardio but will see...2K low calorie day tomorrow then I think I may do a slightly higher day sunday but still clean.


Awesome sessions mate, so much damn volume. SSB squats looked brutal. I do like that bar though.
nails said:Awesome sessions mate, so much damn volume. SSB squats looked brutal. I do like that bar though.

Ta mate, you know me...I love my volume. I am toying with changing to a push/pull/off/repeat set up but currently sessions are working so loathe to change as yet!

You would love an ssb bar mate...very you, its brutal!
Oxman said:
Ta mate, you know me...I love my volume. I am toying with changing to a push/pull/off/repeat set up but currently sessions are working so loathe to change as yet!
You would love an ssb bar mate...very you, its brutal!

Yes, the insanity is certainly back in full force. Well you know what they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I do have an SSB but it's too damn wide for my garage. I'm a bit loathe to use it outside the rack although I have done before.
Always blown away when I read your journal,I'd be very interested I the diet side of things,anyone heard of the vertical diet. Awesome workouts.


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