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» Bench - arch and tightness (Go to post)18-06-2015 @ 20:14 
how are you training bench ATM?

You don't need a big arch to bench big weights.
» GPC lifting log (Go to post)18-06-2015 @ 19:41 

Squats paused for 3 count
Bar, 70, 110,150 warmups
180 x 2, bar slipped so stopped
180 x 3,
190 x 3, 200 x 3, 205 x 3

150 x 3, 170 x 3, 180 x 3 x 3

Standing abs
4 x 10

Squat wider stance experiment continues - still a bit high but flexibility exercises are being done several times a week. Feel a lot stronger in this stance though. Weights flying up
» Mid Life Crisis (Go to post)18-06-2015 @ 15:31 
Martin1956 said:Got a Nissan 350Z a couple of weeks ago. It was that or a bike, which would have been stupid. Never has mid-life been more enjoyable. Or should that be later-life...?

Nice to see another fast Nissan fan on here - lovely car 350
» 295kg dead press (Go to post)18-06-2015 @ 00:06 
AMH_Power said: context of the individual.
Two main components to a lift, simultaneously turning as many fibres on initially (start strength), then further recruiting as many fibres in a linear fashion up to a limit (explosive strength)...
My rack press is like 160ish, my paused bench is 200ish! This is because my start strength is dog s**t but my explosive strength is good, but on a paused bench my start strength is negated as the 'on' phase is already there from holding the weight from the negative. This is why a puased bench, paused squat etc is actually more practical for explosive strength than start strength. I remember people debating with 'LessthanLuke' as he suggested that rack pulls improved the deadlift off the floor and people disagreed, when infact he was correct as it is start strength (turning the muscle 'on'), albeit mechanically different.
If your rackpress is marginally different to your paused, then your potential for improvement from CAT training alone would be tremendous.
This realization and application of component based periodization increased my deadlift more in 6 weeks than 3 years, drug free with my other lifts soaring too.
Scary to think where your bench would be....

no idea what my rack effort is now - it was pretty close to full bench a while back (when I was around 160kg @ 93-94kg bw) so assuming it has risen somewhat in line with my comp bench I am as you said a good candidate for improvement through CAT style training.
» 295kg dead press (Go to post)17-06-2015 @ 14:38 
PaulSavage said:
Your meaning it's easier? I don't use any leg drive or lats or owt like that, dont know how to and still find dead press way harder.

should be marginally harder - but they're like anything if you make them a large focus of training you improve not necessarily carrying over to a full paused bench. The dead stop allows you to get into the optimum position on chest/arm angle etc prior to pressing - if getting that position is a problem on full bench because you can't stay tight and engage lats and upper back on descent it won't address it
» GPC lifting log (Go to post)16-06-2015 @ 23:25 

Bench speed
20 x 20, 50 x 8, 75 x 3
100 x 2 x 3, 110 x 2 x 3, 120 x 3, 130 x 3, 140 x 3

120 x 3, 150 x 3, 175 x 3 (PB), 150 x 6

Facepulls and tricep pushdowns
4 sets of each light weights

Feeling ok getting better at slingshot all the time now
» 295kg dead press (Go to post)16-06-2015 @ 17:18 
donnie said:strong

200+ bodyweight maybe

for benchers who use no leg drive what is the difference between paused bench and dead press?

loads as its missing out half the lift where lowering a bar to chest and maintaining a lot of tension needs practice - also tendency to arch ass off bench to get a dead stop weight moving - Wilkerson looks reasonable on his attempt but he's so massive you can't tell.
» Comp Day Advice - Same day weigh ins and nutritional strategies (Go to post)16-06-2015 @ 17:01 
Wouldn't touch presxription diuretics with a bargepole - can sweat out kgs of water of needed

coming back to the less dangerous world of bowel movement timings - it's something you want to do late as possible and after you've stopped eating any substantial food pre weighin
» GPC EUROS EASTBOURNE (Go to post)16-06-2015 @ 13:53 
93hopkinsonr said:What is the bench record in Britain? 250 by jay pateman?

I did this comp too. Very well run and quite quick for the numbers competing I thought.

The standard of the GPC is rising all the time. As stated the 110's were class, 905kg taking third place.

the knee wraps raw divisions are getting more and more popular all the time and its easy to see why - just need a pair of wraps, belt and you're good to train, compete and see how you stand up against some genuine world class lifting in the GPC.
» Jeremy Vine Show Earlier Today (Go to post)16-06-2015 @ 13:13 
little_a said:
Logically there isn't much. Bad backs, gurnie faces and involuntary faecal deposits aside the road to happiness is a big bench, a flash car and a younger bird. James Bond never deadlifted and he did alright.
It's a known fact that people who deadlift will die.

was a 90 year gent from france doing full power at the GPC europeans.
they should interview him and ask him if it's caused him any back problems.
» Comp Day Advice - Same day weigh ins and nutritional strategies (Go to post)16-06-2015 @ 13:09 
carb restriction, sodium restriction, bowel/bladder emptying (dandelion root/senna to help if need as low carbs can make you a little consipated) - that should probably see off 3.5kg without even worrying about water manipulation - remember water loading is just another mechanism to dehydrate via reducing ADH, aldosterone and getting a rebound affect and I find even mild dehydration hard to get over post weigh in - very glad the GPC do 24-hour.

get an accurate set of scales and correlate to comp scales - don't do what i did and needlessly cut an extra 1.75kg 'just to be sure'
» Fat to Phat (Go to post)15-06-2015 @ 14:59 
Great write up sounds like an eventful few days lol and well done getting that total despite the injury problems - don't see many raw 220+ benches in full power.
» GPC lifting log (Go to post)15-06-2015 @ 01:28 
Post Edited: 15.06.2015 @ 01:28 AM by matthewvc
15/7 chorley

time to fix my crap squat as its hampering me achieve a high-700s total.

1. going to work with a new wider low bar setup
2. increase volume and more triples/doubles around 85%
3. flexiblity to get parallel at this wide stance
4. buy some decent shoes.

squat low bar wider stance
bar x loads, 60 x 2 x 3, 90 x 2, 120 x 2, 150 x 2

old wraps on
180 x 3, 190 x 2, 200 x 3 - none to depth but not far off

deadlifts - bottom of rack so about 2" off floor
180 x 2, 200 x 2, 210 x 2, 220 x 2, 230 x 2

60 x 8, 90 x 2 x 8

post competition easy weights - still feeling hamstring a little
videoing squats from side to get idea where my depth is
» Mo Farah's coach (Go to post)14-06-2015 @ 16:11 
LessThanLuke said:
But at least my posts had a point.

some excellent numbers though force10 - not many masters going over 800 at any weight
» GPC lifting log (Go to post)14-06-2015 @ 14:14 
14/7 Chorley

Bench paused

bar x 20,
50 x 10, 75 x 3, 100 x 2
125 x 2, 140 x 3, 147.5 x 3, 152 x 3

Slingshot narrow paused
160 x 3, 165 x 3, 170 x 3 (PB I think)

Triceps and face pulls

nothing more than 80-85% max or so slingshot getting better with this - 170 was easy triple but most I've ever done I think


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