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ChrisMcCarthy said:Well done to you both!

Cheers dude, gutted I couldn't perform but very happy with Becca winning both.
PaulSavage said:
Wow, what a t**t fest of a post. How many times have you won back to back world titles? Also never said anything close to she is the worlds best strongwoman ever (???) but you have no idea why she lost the events. She lost conans for two reasons, because the massage we got on Wednesday was far too hard and her hamstrings and calf's were still sore going in (she was much slower than usual because of this) and because she had to go out 1st so had nothing to beat. Last years win was not even 2 laps and she did over 4. On the farmers she purposefully saved her grip for the grip championships and she was only just about beat by half a second again via someone going after her (this someone has done 136kg a hand farmers hold for 36 seconds, that's not mid ranking). The deadlift again the hamstrings played a role and also it was a deficit pull which we were told was standard height. Becca has never done a deficit pull for even a rep and didn't know how to get in position, still only lost by 1 rep. These are the only reasons she didn't win every event and why should she even have to win all the events?? Donna Moore won only 1 event at last years WSW and becca won 4 of 7 this comp. She also had another world championships to train for the day after, which she won 4 of 5 events on. 8 event wins of 12 at two world championships is bloody brilliant, and she was 2nd in all others but one which was a 3rd place. After one year of competing she's won two national championships, a European championships, two world championships and set many world records. Who else has done that? What did you win your first calendar year? How many British, European and world titles? How many world records did you set?

How many times have i claimed to be the best?

As for the excuses, they dont matter, you think no one else has problems going in to the comp? No one has ever had a perfect run in to a comp.
KevC86 said:
How many times have i claimed to be the best?
As for the excuses, they dont matter, you think no one else has problems going in to the comp? No one has ever had a perfect run in to a comp.

Nor have I claimed becca is the best? Not said anything close. Not excuses, reasons but becca doesn't need any excuses for anything, she just won two world championships while you sat behind you keyboard chatting s**te. Piss poor trolling dude.
PaulSavage said:
Nor have I claimed becca is the best? Not said anything close. Not excuses, reasons but becca doesn't need any excuses for anything, she just won two world championships while you sat behind you keyboard chatting s**te. Piss poor trolling dude.

So we agree she isnt the best, im glad thats behind us.
KevC86 said:
So we agree she isnt the best, im glad thats behind us.

She's 22, drug free and has only competed (or trained) for one year, hasnt exactly had much time to be the best in the world. That is of course assuming you are talking about strongwoman, as grip, the other sport she competes in, she is already the best in the world. However what she definitely is, at either sport, is wayyyy better than you though, so why are you talking s**t?? Making yourself look like a plant pot.
Thanks, that was funny.
Well done on making 2 events before bottling your latest challenge. Back to 300 x 10 now?
Post Edited: 12.09.2017 @ 09:07 AM by PaulSavage
KevC86 said:Thanks, that was funny.
Well done on making 2 events before bottling your latest challenge. Back to 300 x 10 now?

I couldn't lift a weight I can do for 10 reps, couldn't even actually deadlift it (only 170kg) my back completely locked up, could not bend down hardly at all after, cramping everywhere, shooting pains all over. I was not well, do you want the report from the blood tests I had at the hospital? I was 2nd in europes to the reigning world champion and was much stronger before sickness for this contest, sometimes s**t happens.

You talk about bottling it when all you are doing is trying to put others down on the internet. This is sad and pathetic, go do something positive instead of being a whiner on the internet. This does not do anything for you.
I'm very impressed with her progress. Only a year competing and done so much.

Good job
Well done to her.

Would she be interested in having her own Sugden account?
Post Edited: 12.09.2017 @ 09:36 AM by PaulSavage
She says thank you and says she can sign up if people want to ask her questions etc

Very happy with her progress yes, the massage was big mistake so she couldn't show the full progress but plain to see the big improvements in overhead and deadlift anyway (viking press was super easy). Something to keep in mind too is i never had her do farmers hold in training, she's never done an actual truck pull, just sleds, and had never done a deficit deadlift, and never done powerstairs, just simulation for single lifts onto mats. This was her first time doing any of these so she did really well. Very proud of her as coach and of course partner too.
Ive not put anyone down, im actually quite impressed by Becca. Pointing out she isnt close to the level of Donna isnt a put down as very few women are close to that level.
Its your claims thats i just dont understand. You claim that you and Becca will do this, that and the other, and when it doesnt happen you always have an excuse.
KevC86 said:Ive not put anyone down, im actually quite impressed by Becca. Pointing out she isnt close to the level of Donna isnt a put down as very few women are close to that level.
Its your claims thats i just dont understand. You claim that you and Becca will do this, that and the other, and when it doesnt happen you always have an excuse.

You are being a complete bellend. I haven't claimed anything you have said, nor has Becca. All you have done is put Becca down then myself down and done some really bad/obvious trolling. Go back to your own log, you can b**ch about whatever you like there.
Post Edited: 12.09.2017 @ 10:38 AM by PaulSavage
Oh an you say she isn't close to Donna but lets go through the event and keep in mind I would have trained Becca to be way stronger/better if Donna was competing. Truck pull - no chance Donna is beating becca, yes she is good at truck pull for her size definitely, but bodyweight difference is far too much for becca, calf strength is too much and she has great grip/pull on the rope. Her performance was bad at the start but again, she's done it only twice with sled and rope and never with truck, it wouldn't have been bad if Donna was competing, she would have been way more practiced. Next event, viking press, again, Becca wins, 24 (actually did 27) in a minute, no way Donna does more reps, becca is faster and is very strong on this event now. Kristin Rhodes would maybe beat her currently, Samantha Coleman maybe too, not the others. Conan's Donna wins. Farmers hold = no chance for Donna, becca did 90kg for 1 minute 5 easy and had never trained it once, she would have trained it a bunch if Donna had signed up, could do up nearer 2 minutes then if needed. Log Donna wins. Deadlift Donna wins. Powerstairs again really good event for becca, lots of height plus very strong in traps and this was very easy weights for her, could have done it near twice as fast if needed and again I'd have had her actually train it if Donna competed. Donna is only 5'7, the steps were high and no high shoes were allowed. Becca wins. Vs each other that's 4-3 becca so isn't close is simply not true. Yes Donna has proven to be the best in the world and is very good at all events but that doesn't mean Becca or others can't beat her, everybody is beatable. I'm only training becca to win the contests she competes in, nothing more. When she competes in contests with the likes of Donna, I'll again be training her to win and everybody will see what happens. The best woman will win and regardless of who that is all the top athletes are very good.
I think that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in strongman so far. If Donna was competing I would have trained her to be much better, I'm sure you were intentionally only training her to be 80% as good as he could have been at that comp on purpose.
Post Edited: 12.09.2017 @ 14:36 PM by PaulSavage
unit94 said:I think that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard in strongman so far. If Donna was competing I would have trained her to be much better, I'm sure you were intentionally only training her to be 80% as good as he could have been at that comp on purpose.

Yes i'm sure too, actually no would be much less % wise. Why is that ridiculous???? You think she was trained 100% when she had never trained farmers hold? Never done a power stairs? never done truck pull etc ?? Not making sense what you are saying, don't think you have thought this through.

Of course if the likes of Donna was competing she would be way more prepared. If that were the case I wouldn't have had her do the grip championships, wouldn't have had her do any training for Britains etc all the work would have been purely focused on this comp and she would have done a ton more event work. As said i'm only going to have her do what is needed for the comps she does. She will be night and day better when she goes against the top untested girls, 100% guarantee it.

I'm not going to have her lift a single weight or do a single event that's not needed, that's how you risk getting someone injured and get them to peak too early in their career. Becca is 22 and just getting started, all her comps so far have been just another step on a path, not the destination.

Main focus is building the foundations for what's to come. Deadlift training for this comp has been for two purposes, none of which has been to lift the most weight. One has been to correct her technique and improve lockout (accomplished), two has been to push her weights enough so she can do 150kg x 15 deadlift (she could have done this without the deficit). Overhead training for this has been just push press and seated strict press, rules were announced way back that even split jerks are allowed. Same on log, but again I've only ever had her do push press. I do this because she needs to build more strength now, not technique. Of course she could lift more weight doing a jerk but it was not needed, and she still will never do a jerk until its needed to learn. All the events she hadn't done we would have travelled and she would have done a bunch of practice/work on. I would have bumped the training weights and numbers up too if that was needed, more conditioned too if needed. Wasn't needed, she does what is required to do to win the comps and that is how I train her.


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