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» Cutting weight (Go to post)09-05-2014 @ 08:43 
Adam, cut carbs but keep calories close to what you was having before. Use fat and fibre instead to make up the difference.

Drink water like it's going out of fashion and keep b vitamins high.
Don't do any rep work, this will stop you depleting your energy reserves.

Are you likely to be in a place to be winning? If not don't undo yourself and keep the weight you are, if your body wants to be heavier to be stronger go for it. I wouldn't ever consider changing weight unless I hit a brick wall. I weighed 95kg a month out from comp, dropped to 90... Was expecting an easy 180 bench and was pinned by my opener, something that I'd done every Monday for a whole year! That's when I decided I'd never do it while I was getting stronger
» Carrers/jobs that aren't terrible (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 22:45 
JackRevans said:I once heard a rumour that andy Bolton drives a forklift truck. is this true?

Lol, he'll be making Dr Robotnik jealous
» Carrers/jobs that aren't terrible (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 22:36 
JohnGym said:People in debt annoy me.

That's all I have.


Without debt there is no money mate. Interest is what holds the economy up, if everyone stopped borrowing there would be only exchanges of 'promises to pay the bearer', they'd be no new money in our economy, it would collapse... And then we'd have no investors. When lending is low, prices are increased to make the difference as less money in circulation means the power of each Gbp is higher... So costs follow suit.

Anyways, the whole system needs a's only a matter of time anyway.
» Carrers/jobs that aren't terrible (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 16:55 
JohnGym said:
Plenty of positives of course. The negative is having to go to war. Which is a bloody big negative in my opinion. Happy

True, but it's down to the job. Some trades sit in a workshop in afghan all day and train and train and train. There's a subway there etc!
Don't get me wrong, some places and jobs are horrific, but the people doing them are the people that joined for that role. They won't spend years and thousands training you to be a network engineer to send you to kick doors down and wrestle the taliban!

Theres plenty of office jobs and such too, maximise the pros against the cons!
» Carrers/jobs that aren't terrible (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 16:50 
Funky_monkey said:
So you start when you're 16? Surely this isn't feasible as the minimum starting age is 18.

No, 16 mate.
» Carrers/jobs that aren't terrible (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 16:36 
Post Edited: 08.05.2014 @ 16:37 PM by AMH_Power
Some jobs in the forces can be really good and rewarding.

As long as you turn up on time and don't fight every weekend, after 5 years of service you'd be on 30-35k, which as a 21 year old is awesome, given that rent of accommodation is about 30 quid a month, or in my case, married quarter (3 bed/garage) 150 quid a month with no council tax, plus they give you fuel to get to work.

Paid every day of the year (including when on one of your 42 days leave), and don't work weekends, finish mid day Wednesday and finish mid day Friday, and train during working hours.

Not all jobs in the forces are the same mind.....
» Ibuprofen (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 15:57 
little_a said:
And they couldn't squat for s**t.

f**k. I'm omw to get some ibuprofen this second.
» Ibuprofen (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 12:53 
MarkClegg said:
Are we really having this conversation still .
Why dont you write to Boots and tell them to stop selling it "IF" its as bad as you say it is ?
Half of the "Crack Pots" on here have taken all sorts of bulls**t and we`re all worried about a 20p tablet you can buy in every conceivable corner shop up and down the country .?
WHY is that ?
AND Why don`t they sell Cheque Drops ?

Cheque Drops? Maybe because it causes liver failure as it's 17AA.

AGE causes inflammation, lowering it in the diet fixes it. Regardless of how good/bad ibuprofen is for you.

What's to worry about a 20p tablet? If 20-30 would cause organ failure outright, why would I even want to take 1 or 2?

I wonder how humans of the 1800's managed to survive, how am I even here?
» Ben's new strength journal. (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 12:19 
wicked journal mate...just read start to end, some really good lifting
» Ibuprofen (Go to post)08-05-2014 @ 12:14 
f**k Ibuprofen, why mask pain on the outside just to f**k yourself up on the inside?

Ibuprofen per session is a snowball gathering momentum for f**king yourself up true and proper.

Ibuprofen blocks the effects of prostaglandin, which is actually reparing AND protecting you from further damage. Ibuprofen before training is losing the protection, and stopping you from repairing the damage caused in an accumulative effect.

However, in general, people do produce excess due to a response from some of the foods we eat. Cutting out foods high in AGE/dAGE will drastically improve pain in existing injuries, inflammatory diseases like arthritis and IBS, and will dwarf the effects of Ibuprofen...permanently.

Chart for reference:
» AMH's training log. Goal, 800+ Raw @100kg. (Go to post)07-05-2014 @ 19:58 
MattD90 said:Wow, that's the mark of a good lifter. 215x5 then a 270 max is some serious skill at maxing

Just to clarify, this wasn't on the same session!
My ability to do reps drops drastically when I start to peak, don't know if thats a good thing or bad thing, my 5rm on bench is 160 but I can bang out a 190+ even on a bad day!
» AMH's training log. Goal, 800+ Raw @100kg. (Go to post)07-05-2014 @ 17:59 
Thanks lads.

My previous deadlift 5rm was 215 from last week!
Before that it was 205-210, and my 1rm was about 270 although have done a 285 on a very whippy bar with bumper plates. I'm confident that all my lifts will be pb's with a good 5-10kg margin at the end of this cycle.
» AMH's training log. Goal, 800+ Raw @100kg. (Go to post)07-05-2014 @ 15:30 
AndyCoupe said:Lovely squats back there mate!

Thanks Andy
» AMH's training log. Goal, 800+ Raw @100kg. (Go to post)07-05-2014 @ 15:29 
MrSmall said:
Paul Savage?
Is your goal 350x5?

No comment Grin
I think hitting the 300 barrier is a more realistic midterm goal!

....must refrain from carpet jokes here
» AMH's training log. Goal, 800+ Raw @100kg. (Go to post)07-05-2014 @ 15:05 
Today's session, Week 4 deadlift 1

Worked up in 5 reps to a final of 220x5

3x8 sldl 100kg

For those following the log, I made the decision to replace the 5x5 with working up in the relevant rep number for that week to a final set of 5 on the weight needed this week. The tonnage isn't any different, but it is achieved with an average lighter load... I don't recommend this, but I can't recover from the 5x5.

So next week will be upto a 5 with 225kg


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