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» Dehydrating Fanny (Go to post)27-04-2011 @ 23:52 
2-3kg? I'd just cut out water 24 hours beforehand, eat just unprocessed proteins such as grilled chicken and weigh in the night before. You'd lose roughly 1kg overnight, if you need to lose any more then do cardio with a sauna suit. I lose 400g per 13 mins of cardio - I do 8 on a bike and 5 mins jogging, wash my face with cold water and give myself a few minutes before doing it again if I need to.

To lose about 7-8kg, I stopped drinking water on weds, ate only unprocessed proteins when I was hungry and did about 4-5 13min cardio bouts. The morning of the weigh-ins I went in knowing I was overweight - this way I don't stay extremely dehydrated for too long, neither do I lose too much weight. I did a few more bouts of cardio but these took longer to lose the weight as I was so dehydrated and out of it that I couldn't train properly or sweat as easily/as much as I was the day before. I weighed in at exactly 75.0kg which is what I wanted to get down to, then instantly rehydrated with 50% apple juice and 50% water, plus 3-4 dioralytes. 3.5 litres took about 90mins and wasn't difficult as my body soaked it all like a sponge. It's important to ingest the weight lost in food and drink rather than trying to cram in as many kcals as possible.

As mentioned above, 2-3kg doesn't need extreme measures and shouldn't take more than 24 hours. Don't stay dehydrated for longer than you need to.
» What % of your back squat can you front squat? (Go to post)27-04-2011 @ 23:35 
Belted with wraps back is 220 and belted with wraps front is 170 - 77%
» who fancied sparking out the ambulance man today at cheshires SM?? (Go to post)01-04-2011 @ 02:47 
PAGAN said:
yeah that looks right , it's been about 20yrs since I had to right that wordGrin

Amoebas and "write that word" :P
» Strongman Gyms in London? (Go to post)01-04-2011 @ 02:44 
Genesis Gym - 333 Athlon Road, 10mins walk from Alperton Station on the Picadilly Line. They have stones, logs, tyres. £5 pay as you go i think.
» If you could only have... (Go to post)24-03-2011 @ 20:22 
Shoes. There's something strangely badass about squatting or deadlifting big weights without a belt (although I usually pay for it if I go too crazy but it feels fine on the day)
» BPC(charity) 27th March RAW Competetion (Go to post)23-03-2011 @ 11:21 
I'll be there, don't think i'll be pushing it too much so will probably help out and stuff too.
» Alien life (Go to post)24-02-2011 @ 18:17 
Wayne_Cowdrey said:
What if you think beyond 3 dimensions.....?

The fourth dimension is time, which I already discussed :P

Given that the fastest thing anything can travel (including the universe moments after the big bang) is the speed of light, I'm going to assume that nothing can travel faster than that. I still don't believe that time travel will be invented, otherwise we would have found out about it from the future. Even 10% of the speed of sound is ridiculously fast if this whole nuclear propulsion malarkey ever happens.
» Alien life (Go to post)24-02-2011 @ 17:55 
Post Edited: 24.02.2011 @ 17:56 PM by Funky_monkey
luke00 said:
I am not saying the aliens drew them I'm saying the Incas drew them for the liens to see. They can only be seen from above, so why else would they make them.
And have you never seen 'Event Horizon'. You don't have to travel at the speed of light, just create a black hole by folding space on itself and going through. Like folding a piece of paper and punching a hole through to get to the other side, rather than going around.

Gotcha now about the drawings for other life forms to see. There's something about a civilisation worshipping a star that we can't see with the naked eye because it's hidden by the brightness of another star, but they claimed it was there for thousands of years. They recently discovered it reall was there. It could have been from the change of our elliptical path over thousands of years, but i'm not sure if 2-3 thousand years is long enough.

If we were to enter a black hole, wouldn't we just contribute to the mass and density of a neutron star as opposed to travelling through it?

Everybody - thoughts on the LHC at CERN??? No googling it if you don't have a clue what i'm on about.
» Alien life (Go to post)24-02-2011 @ 12:01 
luke00 said:1. We are certainly not intelligent and if we are the only life in the entire universe then it truly is all a bit pointless.
2. We have definately been visited, we only have to look at things like the NAZCA lines. They can only be seen from above, some are like giant runways. You can only tell what some are from the upper atmosphere.
Th pyramids and the way they are alligned with the stars today, they wouldn't have been when built. Alot of these ancient civilisations were vastly advanced. Drawings have been found in Egyptian digs of wht look to be light bulbs and other modern technologies.

Now it could be the future us time travelling or it could be an alien species.

Let's entertain the idea that aliens could travel here in an instant (they can travel at many times the speed of light without altering time or something, it doesn't have to make sense. It all makes as much sense as the following.)
Aliens would travel to earth to draw pictures of a monkey in a field and build giant structures for human leaders, then bugger off? Why were there no drawings of aliens and only gods (which resembled dogs, cats etc.) by the Egyptians? Why wouldn't they worship aliens or at least include pictures of them?

RE: Us travelling back in time. If we did travel back in time to do pyramids and NAZCA, wouldn't we also have people go back and cure cancer, prevent famine, reduce pollution etc? I'm assuming we'd be able to transport our technologies back in time, do a job then transport them back with us.
» Alien life (Go to post)24-02-2011 @ 11:42 
1 - Yes

2 - No. Nearest star is Proxima Centurai, I think 4.2 light years away or about 25 trillion miles away. At 40,000km/h it would take over 113,000 years just to get there. Even if you were just supposing that there is a planet with intelligent life in each solar system, it doesn't seem feasible. If they saw us now with flight, man-made sattelites and other means of "intelligence" then by the time they got here we would have destroyed ourselves anyway. I can't remember who said it, I think it was Hawking - "the only reason we will never make contact with intelligent life is because by the time one is capable of doing so, they will destroy themselves first."

The closest earth like planet is "only" 20 light years away, so you're looking at 116 trillion miles or 4,640,000,000 years or 4.64 billion years. This is assuming you're doing 40,000km/h or 25,000mph. 4.6 billion years is roughly the age of our planet, so they'd arrive now if they left as soon as our planet was formed - with no simple life, only basic gasses. The only way I see anything coming remotely close is travelling close to the speed of light.
Did a bit of research and the only thing that's close to this is a Nuclear Pulse Rocket, which is setting off nuclear explosions and using the energy from that to power a rocket.

Nearest earth-like star

Nuclear Pulse Rocket
» Favourite Toys As A Kid (Go to post)23-02-2011 @ 04:14 
JC said:
I thought this was the toy of choice in Turkey? Grin

Bloody thing has different prayers depending on what you squeeze.
» Head Bleeding Whilst Doing Squats (Go to post)23-02-2011 @ 04:11 
I saw it happen in strongman comps before too. Fking badass.
» Kai Greene- The Rage Speech (Go to post)23-02-2011 @ 04:09 
BigKen said:What do you think? Can anyone relate to this?

I think he means that an aggressive mindset has to be in place to do something which most people would fear - such as squatting 800lbs knowing you may end up blowing something out in your knee. I agree - I don't see many people who are proficient powerlifters such as Bolton, Mendelson, Magnusson etc. act calm before attacking a weight - smelling salts, slaps to the face, building up a bit of rage before lifting are all commonplace in lifters who attempt monstrous weights.
» 18 inch deadlifts (Go to post)21-02-2011 @ 01:02 
I've been doing them suited, so i'll compare them to my raw suited (preparing for an equipped comp). My best off the floor is 260, and my best 18" is 300 which I do after floor work. I'll always fail my full deadlifts at just above knee height, so i'm not sure how on earth you guys manage to pull less from blocks.
» Are you intelligent? (Go to post)17-01-2011 @ 19:32 
BigSam said:im pritty thick ( Never Been Uni )

But I Do Have A Few Qualifications,

Mechanic Certs level 1,2,3
Mechanic Diploma in Maintenance and Repair
Few Maths Ones And English Ones
Few IT Ones!

But I Guess You Can Say Compaired To a Few Of You Uni Guys!

Im Not Very Educated Grin

Not Every Word Must Begin With A Capital Letter.

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